we host hang outs so you can make friends!

EACH YEAR, WE OFFER COMMUNITY EVENTS + MEMBERSHIPS. OUR COMMUNITY EVENTS ARE COMPLETELY FREE — EVERYbody IS INVITED AND ANYone IS WELCOME! THESE EVENTS ARE TYPICALLY HOSTED AS WEEKEND DAY PARTIES OR MIDweek happy hours. our annual membership offers smaller, activity-based events that are capped at 100 people per year.

you will never love the city you live in without a strong sense of local community.



interested in sponsoring an event?

we accept one title sponsor for each of our community events. this sponsorship gives your biz full exposure to our crew for the duration of our 3 week marketing period!

new to town? you definitelyyy need some local merch.

charlotte social club — charlotte, nc. founded in 2022.

let's be social!

let's be social!

meet the founder

hey! hi! hello! if we haven’t met yet, I’m katey! I started clt social club in February 2022 with the goal of hosting events that create an intentional environment for people to make friends.

from the outside, our events may just look like a crowded bar but the inviting, welcoming atmosphere of each party + happy hour is what sets us apart from a regular night out. you can feel confident knowing that you’ll meet at least one new person, whether you come alone or in a group. 🤝

a few things to note:

🌟 events have no name tags or ice breakers — you weren’t wearing a name tag when you showed up to that random house party in college and met your best friend, right? 🤪

🌟 organizing hang outs is something I like to do in my free time — think of it like a friend (me) invited you out for some drinks with a few of their friends! super casual. 😙

🌟 average age is about 21-35ish but ANYBODY IS WELCOME! 🫶

surprising to most, i grew up in charlotte (ballantyne to be exact). my family moved here when i was 8 years old and i feel like that gives me the authority to claim i’m a native, don’t you think?

random fact: i spent a total of about 1.5-2 years visiting + living in haiti between 2014-2018 and, while i may be a little rusty, i can speak a good bit of haitian creole.

when we meet irl, i’ll probably show you a photo of my dog (ziggy, she’s a girl) or ask you to take a shot of tequila with me. on a thursday or saturday you’ll probably find me at vinyl + canopy but i’m trying to branch out of the south end area. if you have a bar recommendation, dm it to me! i can’t wait to meet you. 🧡

let's be social!

let's be social!

you deserve to be invited. you deserve to feel included. you deserve good friends.